This artifact shows my interests outside of psychology. The leftmost image is of my dog, Louie, whom I adopted in 2018. The middle image is a page of my math lecture notes from 2024. The rightmost image is of my first real drumset, which I got in early 2021.
This artifact is a summation of my life outside of my professional goals and education. I enjoy the intricacies and relationships of complex mathematics, and I intend to continue to gain a higher level of understanding of math as I advance my education. My dog, Louie, is the most important living thing in the world to me. I decided to include him in my portfolio because he is a very important part of my life, and I want to show all aspects of who I am. In addition to Louie, drums are also a very important aspect of my life, and one of my favorite things to do outside of formal education.
Although more personal, this artifact is pivotal in describing who I am. I am a psychology student, but also a musician, mathematician, and animal lover. These aspects of my life are just as important as my educational aspirations, if not more important, as I am not defined solely by my academic accomplishments.
Artifact 3

Artifact 3
